Friday, November 20, 2015

Designer Con 2015

It's that time of the year again.... Designer Con. I am excited and happy to do this once again and will be sharing the booth with Katherine Stocking Lopez. I may look super exhausted only because I have been working the graveyard shift. It has worn me out, so I will give my all for the 2 days. My husband will be opening up for me while I'm stuck with downtown LA traffic, but I forgot it's a Saturday so i'm hoping my commute back home is a somewhat smooth one. Alrighty, till then... see you tomorrow!

Pictures below are what I will have. My super limited amount is the Yeti (5), Penny(9) and Sasquatch(4) plushes. I also have plushes from last year which is Westy, Scout, Giant Robots Evil and Good. If you buy the Giant Robot plushes be sure or if you want you can tell Eric how awesome they are hahaha They will be at booth #100. 

This is my giveaway for Sunday

Thursday, October 15, 2015

It's been awhile

Finally... I have some time to do a quick write up on a couple of events that are going to be happening in the future. First off I will be doing Designer Con on November 21-22, so get your tickets if you're interested in checking it out.

Second, I have been invited to do another post-it show. This will be my 3rd year and I am so humbled and honored to join so many great artist. The post-it show event will be at Giant Robot on Dec.5, 2015. Hopefully I can help out again, I'll be starting a midnight shift soon and hopefully it won't interfere or at least I hope to have enough energy to help out.

I have been doing a drawing each day for "inktober" if you want to check that out my instagram is hicahu5

Anyways that is it for now. See ya!

Monday, January 12, 2015

post-it art summary

Really late post.. eh, better late than never. So here were my post-it art for the show.

My version of a Yeti with earmuffs. I am in the process of making this into a plus. Not really sure if he is going to be an off white color. Most likely will make a few for Designer Con.

This is a cat who is really smart and likes video games. 

Flying Mustard Bear *SOLD OUT*

 Scout, in lego minifigure form. 



Barn owl family <3


The two pictures below are my post-it art that sold. I was really happy it went to good people ^___^ Thanks TOKIDOKIFAN13 and SUSUTEN.

This year, I helped Eric, for the second time, and it was my husbands first time. I've always told him that I wish Giant Robot was just a bit closer to home, I would be out there volunteering myself to help out. One day I'll move closer to LA and it won't be nothing but a chicken wing drive LOL, what the heck did I just say >_____<  ?!?!?! Anyways, I'm looking forward to helping and contributing in 2015. I'd also like to add that there were so many great post-its! I'm really honored to be up there with talented artists!