Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 was a good year. I worked 6 months at GMD (Grant McCune Designs Inc.) Corey and I bought a new car on May 4(th be with you). Bought my first bicycle at a really great deal! Took a plane trip up to Bremerton, Washington to celebrate the birthday of my cousin, Rosanne and nephew, Nathan. The bonus was seeing all my relatives and surprising them with the help of my Uncle Romel and Auntie Desiree hehehehe, I'll never forget it! Saw my cousins Jenny and Mark, after 7 years! The trip to Yerington, NV was great! I went to an actual farm and that was a fun experience! I finally met Valerie at Biennale 3! I'm happy to be part of Ugly Nation where people have great imagination and are still kids at heart ^___^ . To Uglydoll, Thanks for bringing my life full of happiness, when I'm feeling down, I just look at any character and it puts a smile on my face! ^___^ . I Made 5 Giant Robot plushes and I will make a few more after New Years. I made some Uglydoll customs! I turned 28 on Dec. 1st. Then there were two great and wonderful people whom I've known that has passed away, but did not meet, Scarlet Grey Nebril and Jennifer Rachel Neill. It's taught me not to take life for granted, to live each day to the fullest, have a lot more patience and don't sweat the little things in life that are completely nonsense. I know it may sound cliché, but it's true! A lot of people seem to forget about it. We all only live once , so let's make the best of it! So yeah, I think I've pretty much summed up 2013 and I have my list of things to do already. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ^___^

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Giant Robot Plushes

Back in 2009, I wanted to surprise Eric with his logo robots in plush form. I told Martin and Eric to decide which one to keep. Martin chose the red one, and Eric the the other. I guess a few weeks after comic con, I made Eric another red robot. 

3 years later, he requested me to make some for him. So, I did, and there they are in the pic. I also made tags to go along with them.

Anyways, these were tough to make by hand. If only I would get some motivation for myself to learn how to use a sewing machine, I can whip out a bunch of these.