Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I figure I would say it now then the actual day.. only because I know I'll be busy. The most asked question... "what are you thankful for?" I'm thankful for just living each day and trying to make the best out of it by improving my artistic skills. Still slow, but surely ^__^. I'm happy being able to see my nephews grow. Very happy to hear my parents voice each day and getting the chance to visit them when I can. Thankful for having a nice brother, the only brother who I can count on when I need his help. My sister in-law, Janice, for understanding me and giving me two handsome nephews! My husband, Corey, whom I love very much with all my heart! I am truly lucky to have him be a part of my life. There is no words in the dictionary that could explain how truly great he is! I'm also happy to be a part of his family. Thankful for all my relatives! Having a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins is.. is...AWESOME!! I don't have a lot of friends, but I am thankful for the ones that still remember me HAHAHA!  I'm extremely thankful for, Eric, owner of Giant Robot, for allowing me to make his logo into plushes, and for inviting me to do Post-It art that is happening on Dec. 7.  Hmm... I think that's about it. Probably might have missed some thankful, but just know that I am thankful for all the support and love! I'm just happy and thankful to be alive! 

Post It

Someone asked if I can do 4 random post-it art for her and below is what I did. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Giant Robot, Post It Show, Dec. 7

This is going to be my first Post It Show. I was super happy when Eric invited me to do some. I decided to do 6, so here they are.